Are you looking for a natural way to restore and maintain your health?
Treatment Journey
We offer personalized healthcare on your terms, when it's convenient for you!
The journey to Good Health has three simple, but critical steps to begin your lifetime journey. This Section gives you a description of each step and how to complete them. Once you are done with each step, you are one step closer to a lifetime of health, "the Greatest of Human Blessings".
Introductory Plan and Free Health Assessment
Step 1 Free Health Assessment
Your journey starts here....with a FREE Health Assessment. This is a sophisticated computer model from Personalogix that utilizes a database of over 5,000 clinical studies and 1,500 worldwide journals to evaluate and develop your health profile.
It normally takes about 30 minutes to complete and asks you questions in the following categories:
Personal and family health history,
Dietary patterns,
Lifestyle choices,
Physical well-being
Upon completion, a Good Health Profile is generated for you that measures your health to the database studies. It ranks your current health on a scale from 0 to 100% to the data base population.
To order your Health Assessment, simply go to the Plans & Pricing page and choose the Introductory Plan. We will email you the instructions on how to complete it. You have nothing to lose, and can achieve 'the Greatest of Human Blessings'. We Can Help You.

Step 2 Submit results to Dr Falor

You have now completed your Health Assessment. Before you print it out, please press the [Submit for Consultation] button on your Personalogix screen. This automatically sends your Assessment Profile results directly to Dr. Falor for his review and approval.
As Dr. Falor reviews your Assessment Profile, he typically adds any recommendations he believes is important to you to support your journey.
Step 3 Decision Time
You have now completed the first two Steps on your journey and now face just one more step....its decision time, and you alone make it.
There are two Paths you can take:
Path One - Do Nothing

We offer our free Health Assessment with no obligation to you. If you decide now is not the right time, then we wish you the best of luck in finding what you are looking for. We will welcome you back if you change your mind, and you are welcome to order supplements from us at anytime.
Path Two - Develop your own path to good health
Great News!! You decide to start your lifetime journey to Good Health. First, we will discuss your results and next steps. Then you can decide if our personalized coaching and guidance is right for you, or whether you'd simply like to order the recommended supplements and have periodic check-ins with Dr. Falor. Our membership plans are structured to provide you with flexible options to meet your unique needs.
So, congratulations on starting your journey! We will assist you along the way.
So that is it....three simple steps that can have a profound impact on the 'Quality of your Life' as you make your lifetime journey to health...."the Greatest of Human Blessings". We trust you will join us.

Let the journey begin
Simply put, we offer monthly plans to support you on your journey to good health, with each plan offering different levels of commitment, support and coaching, and supplementation discounts.
We offer flexible options that allow you to customize your plan and meet your health goals.
If you're just getting started, we recommend the Introductory Plan, which includes the free health assessment, three online consultations with Dr. Falor, and a personalized supplementation protocol. No risk, and no obligation!
If you've already completed the introductory plan, wish to retain access to consultations, and receive 5% off supplements, we recommend the Maintenance Plan.
If you're ready for a total health makeover, consider our ViPatient Plan. This plan provides personalized guidance through your Good Health journey, access to our disease management protocols, bi-weekly consultations with Dr. Falor, and 10% off supplements*. Patients with specific health goals, or a health condition will often choose this plan for 3-to-6 months.

Medical Disclaimer
This document contains general information about medical conditions and treatments. The information is not advice and should not be treated as such. The medical information in this document is provided without any representations or warranties, express or implied. You must not rely on the information in this document as an alternative to medical advice from your primary care physician or other professional healthcare provider. As required by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, the information on this document has not been evaluated by the FDA, and the products referred to here have not been approved by the FDA, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These formulas are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. †These benefits represent a compilation of results of many patient cases and the reader may not experience the same results. Protocols are a series of naturopathic techniques that you can use to enhance your health and vitality.